Etikettarkiv: library tourism

Library of the Week (9): Lappeenranta Public Library

This series started with a Savo library – a short detour on my Karelian trip last summer. It’s time to return to Karelia and to the shores of Lappeenranta (a city whose local museum boasts an impressive model of old Viipuri but very little information about Lappeenranta! I don’t mind because Viipuri is cool, but it was surprising). Lappeenranta is the regional capital of South Karelia and is beautifully situated by Lake Saimaa.

Lappeenranta city hall

Lappeenranta city hall, a brutalist beauty behind which the mall that houses the library is situated

I arrived by train in the morning, spoke Finnish well enough (!) to deposit my bag at the train station for 2 €, and walked from the train station to the downtown area. I only spent the day there before continuing to Imatra in the late afternoon so I didn’t how much time but aside from the library I also had time to visit the Cavalry Museum, South Karelia Museum, and Lappeenranta Art Museum (all very good and I especially recommend the cavalry museum!) as well as a sand castle park and pass by a bouncy castle park. Lappeenranta does not get as much cred as it should, fantastic place!

Library Lappeenranta Main Library
Place Lappeenranta, Finland
Coordinates 61.0571607, 28.1934077

Something quite common in Finland (but to my knowledge less so in Sweden, or indeed other countries I’ve been to) are public libraries situated in shopping malls. What was a bit strange about this one was the complete lack of windows (and therefore daylight) inside the library. Despite this unfortunate circumstance (Alvar Aalto thought light/daylight was essential in library architecture) the library really did its best and it was a very pleasant library environment.

To contrast with the shelves lined up as in a storage room (to be fair, this feeling was probably more related to the lack of windows and the walls and ceiling than anything else) there were pockets with reading nooks, computer desks, and study spaces inbetween some shelves. This really livened up the space. I couldn’t understand all the signs (Lappeenranta is a Finnish language municipality with 89.9% Finnish speaking population and 0.2% Swedish) but I think there was a nice story to the mascot/sculpture.

On language: I’m not sure if the English website is strange or if it’s because I don’t allow cookies when I browse, but the Finnish library website seems better. If you use the English version of the Lappeenranta webpages you can search for ”library” and get some English language information about the library.

In the ceiling these signs were hung in various places, resonating with the public library mission to be free, safe, and inclusive spaces.

Area free from discrimination

”Area free from discrimination” – one of few occurences of Swedish language in the library

Just like the other cities around Lake Saimaa the Saimaa ringed seal plays a prominent role in the cityscape, and the library was no exception. Seals are a popular conversation topic in my family because my mother once wrote a blog about seals in the Nordic countries so I was excited to share all this seal content with her (she was very happy about this). In the library, I found a lot of seals (on signs, on decorations, on notice, as toys).

Heilikirjastot (Heili libraries) – mentioned in the reading challenge – is a collaboration between the libraries in Imatra, Lappeenranta, Lemi, Luumäki, Parikkala, Rautjärvi, Ruokolahti, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari. I’ve been trying to find out what ”heili” is in a way that makes sense for a library collaboration (”significant other” seems strange for a library??). I obviously know the word from this banger and so I wondered whether ”heili” could be a specific Karelian word and that there’s some cultural context I don’t know. I’ve asked a friend so maybe I’ll get an answer.

Morrissey records in Lappeenranta

Morrissey records in Lappeenranta

To finish this post, here’s the selection of Morrissey records at the library. My Early Burglary Years is surprisingly hard to come by, you know. I never bought it when I was young(er) because of no money and I tried to buy it last year but ended up getting a ”sorry indefinitely out of stock” e-mail. How culturally poor and contemporary bound our consciousnesses would be without the public library!


Library of the Week (8): Hudiksvall Public Library

The library of the week is the delightful public library in Hudiksvall, Sweden. It’s a library in a municipal system consisting of eight libraries in total. I was there in November 2024 to give a talk on libraries and the 2030 Agenda for HelGebiblioteken (a collaboration between the public libraries in the Gästrikland and Hälsingland provinces).

Something that fascinated me with this rather old building (and the square it was placed on) was that the railroad goes underneath it in a tunnel (!) I remember I asked some local librarians about it, but I don’t remember that the response was very satisfactory. As far as I understand the Rådhustorget square and its buildings were there before the railway was built and somehow building a tunnel underneath the few buildings on the hill made more sense in the late 19th century (to be honest, I started looking up the various railways around Hudiksvall and their incorporation in the national railway net but it’s a rabbit hole I don’t have time to indulge in today). Anyway, Wikipedia has a good picture of a train appearing underneath the Statt hotel (the picture below is taken from the other side of the hotel, facing Rådhustorget).

Hudiksvall Library exterior

Hudiksvall Library exterior

Anyway, this is a lovely library. I spent a couple of hours there the day before the event I was talking at. I read some magazines (why don’t I do this more often in libraries? It was so nice, and I rarely take time to read magazine articles since I stopped subscribing to the New Yorker a few years back – reading online is not the same. I’m very tactile person).

Library Hudiksvall Library
Place Hudiksvall, Sweden
Coordinates 61.727837, 17.111297

The building is a cultural house (kulturhus, I’m sure there’s a proper translation of this word) so it contains more than the library (even though the library is obviously the most important part of it). In the entrance, one is greeted by a small statue of Mäster Palm, a socialist agitator who once held a speech in Hudiksvall that got him sentenced to three months in prison (let’s all celebrate the wonderful subheading ”Klammeri med myndigheterna” on Wikipedia that describes this event). He apprently said:

”Vi hava en usel regering och dåliga representanter i riksdagen som ingenting begripa av arbetarnas och den betrycktes sak” [source cited on Wikipedia]

Some things never change, it seems! We desperately need a renaissance of socialist agitators in the world.  In the entrance was also colourful shelf containing books sent to the library from the Swedish Arts Council (you can read more about the Garanterat bra böcker programme on their website (in Swedish)). Inside the library was another small statue commemorating the Swedish unknown soldier. The text on the plaque is a tribute to the Swedish unknown soldier, unfortunately I resized the text away and can’t find the text online – this is what happens to rational people with too few GB left on their laptop! :(

This is what the library looked on the inside (I took care to take the picture when there were no people visible, easier said than done). The stairs in the middle leads up to the local collection and archives. Above the computers and printer there are signs in multiple languages, reflecting the diversity of this rather small Swedish city. This picture is taken from the entrance so I think the placement of services may be related to frequently requested services. Books are obviously an important part of libraries but did you know libraries are an essential resource for people who need to manage their everyday life?

Hudiksvall library interior

Hudiksvall library interior

Here are some more interior pictures. I asked the next day whether the side end of the shelves were a special design to connect to the UNESCO world heritage of the ”Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland” but if I remember correctly they had used wallpaper to spice up the shelves when redecorating the library and not all users were happy about it. Hehe. Also including a closeup of the computer area, and a picture of a shelf with books in national minority languages.

Great library, friendly staff, and a highlight of the next day was that I saw a librarian in a Star Trek t-shirt. I commented on this (I’d like to say I said ”Qapla'” but as the basic person I am I probably said ”oh cool a Star Trek t-shirt!” and did a Vulcan salute) and was promptly invited to an online Star Trek watch circle. How great is that? Librarians truly are the best. I just noticed the TV circle is also in the library’s official programme – my hearteyes are endless! They also have a Doctor Who circle.

These two last pictures are taken by Marika Alneng, an awesome Swedish library consultant I’ve met and worked with on several occasions over the years. One is from outside the library, in front of their cool sign, the other is from inside the event where I’m just about to start talking about how libraries help build a better world. In true Mäster Palm fashion I also criticised our current government (especially our absolutely USELESS minister for climate and the environment) for their lack of effort in the 2030 Agenda work. No prison sentence yet… :)

Library of the Week (7): Ives Main Library in New Haven

Ha! I missed one week because I was busy with three (3) deadlines last week, so this is a retcon post dated 12 February (but written on 20 February). I march to my own drum. B) I know next to nothing about this library except it has a beautiful exterior. I must have passed by it when I was on my way to the Rory Gilmore experience of Yale in New Haven in January 2018 and quickly taken a picture. It’s the Ives Main Library, a branch in the New Haven Free Public Library system.

The Ives Main Library of the New Haven Free Public Library

The Ives Main Library of the New Haven Free Public Library

It has that nice turn of the century look of ”palaces for the people” and what intrigues me is that it is not a Carnegie library (New Haven has three dated 1913; two of them now function as a radio station and a church respectively) but was designed by Cass Gilbert in 1911.

Library Ives Main Library
Place New Haven, CT, USA
Coordinates 41.308984, -72.924837

When I said I know nothing about it I meant I didn’t go inside to see it, but they do have some interesting information on their webpage including an at-a-glance document (pdf link) showing more info and demographic and community indicators.

Ives Main Library stats

Ives Main Library demographic and community indicators.

I wonder about the importance of these indicators in library planning in New Haven?  In general, something I’ve thought about a lot in my own research is how different library services are depending on where the library is located. Location drastically changes conditions related to budget, community, access, etc etc. Is it possible to provide equal library services to all or will main libraries in cities always be better equipped than the branches or rural libraries?

I guess there is a base line for services that must be provided, but I’m also thinking about – well, for instance, take the city I currently live in: the main library in Turku has a piano room, sewing machines, and 3D printers. The collections are obviously bigger because the library is bigger, but these can be ordered to other branches so the collection is accessible to everyone. The other services are highly useful, but who are they accessible to? When do they go from extra or experimental library services to being library services all library users should expect in their local library? Is that even reasonable?

If you think about the demographic situation, it’s more likely the affluent households are in the centre of a city (where the main branch is most often located) than in the suburbs (where branches might be located). Who is in more need of a lending a sewing machine? Not that I’m criticising the existence of sewing machines in the main branch, a bus ride away from most corners of the city, but it’s interesting to think about.

Library of the week (6): Seattle Central Library

Some libraries I’ve visited has just been a quick run in and out whilst passing by. Seattle Central Library is one such visit. I went there on a Wednesday evening in October 2019 when I was travelling around the US. I remember being hungry and looking for a vegan burger joint when deciding to stop at the library because it was on the way. I also remember being very tired and therefore staying in at the hotel in the evening watching Star Trek: TNG on the telly. Strange associations with this library, but I guess travelling is a mix of experiences blended into one lasting impression.

Library Seattle Central Library
Place Seattle, WA, USA
Coordinates 47.606698, -122.332487

I took some pictures of the library and it’s easy to see that my old phone camera didn’t produce the best pictures. In fact I also think I had a phone case that somehow made the pictures worse but otherwise was very good at protecting and storing things in the phone. You get some, you lose some. These two pictures are quite similar, one catching the height and one the width. You can probably see better pictures on the Wikipedia page of the library.

Here’s an example of a typical library picture I would take: no shelves, but a floor plan or directory. Not as picturesque, but it often contains more information about a library than a random picture of a random shelf with books! The only issue I take with this sign is the use of lowercase letters – was it written by Bruno K Öijer? :C I think the contents of the library really show how the library is a place for finding information, culture, sightseeing, having meetings, and hanging out.

Directory of Central Library

Directory of Central Library. I can’t remember what the ”mixing chamber” was, but note ”living room”, ”highest viewpoint”, and the division of DVDs in non-fiction/fiction!

I also found a couple of videos on the old hard drive where I stored these pictures. I usually don’t take videos and I’m usually very careful not to include identifiable people in videos and photos. The escalator video does contain some people at the end and I’m unsure of how privacy invasive this is? It is in the entrance so you can’t see what they do at the library – something I think is very important to never show – but it’s a difficult case. Let me know in the comments if you think I should edit this out!

I’m posting the videos here because I think they showcase what I felt at the time – the spatiality of the library and the movement of people inside it. I think the architecture just makes it very clear that this is a place where people move. Not necessarily just passing through, but moving and interacting. The space lends itself very well to a certain library flow, if that makes sense?

Last but not least I had taken a couple of photos from the exhibition I assume was in the Seattle room (since I was there after dark there are no highest viewpoint pictures, it’s probably very nice during the day). The second picture – it’s not very nice looking but I’m intrigued. The poster is folded at place where it hides the answer to the question ”Matrimony is good but single life is …”. What did it say? Why did I take this picture? Did I laugh? Was it absurd? What was the whole exhibition about?

I will have you know I searched through the library’s digital collections with search terms and variations of the poster’s content as well as the 1890s decade category. No result. It’s obviosuly a play, could it be related to this book that was published just a few years earlier? Some sleuthing would required to find out for sure, but I’m afraid I need to get back to writing my dissertation.

Library of the Week (5): Mini Library at Manhattan Ave/Java St

What to do when the library you want to visit is closed for renovation? Chances are you encounter a library surprise in the street because the world is ultimately a good place!

Library Mini library at Manhattan Ave/Java St
Place Brooklyn, NY, USA
Coordinates 40.731556, -73.954406

I was browsing through old pictures from my first trip to New York City in 2017, in search of libraries to post here. At the top of my mind was Beinecke Library because they have a similar stone facade thing going (veined marble) as the UNAM central library (tecali/Mexican onyx). I found plenty of visited libraries (more than I remembered…!) and I also found the Greenpoint Library that I didn’t visit, due to it being closed for renovations.

However, the disappointment soon turned into joy when I a few blocks from there ran into a Mini library at the corner of Manhattan Avenue and Java Street! As you can see in the picture this old newspaper box was turned into a mini library by Urban Libraries Unite. I am unfamiliar with the organisation, but I liked this mini library. I’ve seen this kind of small library appear in many places all over the world, and the initiative is usually by a city, a local library, a local community, a private person, or an organisation (as is the case here).

The fact that a library – the very epitome of shared economy and knowledge – can pop up anywhere, by anyone, shows that there is some kind of public ownership to the idea of a library. Is this the pinnacle of democracy or what?

Other brilliant things about the Greenpoint area was the bar with a Lord of the Rings marathon on New Year’s Day (this is the most brilliant thing ever and I can’t for the life of me understand why this is not a common occurence everywhere? Move over Ivanhoe!) and that they had an Aaron Swartz mural. I wonder if it’s still around?

Aaron Swartz was a brilliant computer programmer and internet activist who passed away on 11 January 2013. He was involved in development of RSS, Reddit, CC licences, and Markdown (to name a few things) and a political activist advocating for a free and open web. MIT and JSTOR will forever have a stain on their name for their role in his far too early demise.

There’s a really good documentary about Swartz, The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz, that you should watch if you haven’t already. As bonus content to this post, here is my go to desktop background, as well as my inspiration and compass in my work and mission as a librarian.

"What is the most important thing you could be working on in the world right now? ... And if you're not working on that, why aren't you?"

”What is the most important thing you could be working on in the world right now? … And if you’re not working on that, why aren’t you?”

Come to think of it, maybe the library of the week – of every week – is the internet. The internet as Aaron Swartz would have designed it. I’ll end this post with another quote by Swartz:

”Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. What people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity.”

Library of the Week (4): Kallio library in Helsinki

This week’s library is Kallio library (Berghälls bibliotek, Kallion kirjasto) in Helsinki. It’s a beautiful library in a neighbourhood formerly dominated by workers and currently dominated by hipsters paying overpriced rent. Kallio is the setting for the famous novel Pussikaljaromaani (Öl, vänskap och tärningsspel) that I read with great pleasure the second summer I lived in Helsinki.

Library Kallio Public Library
Place Helsinki, Finland
Coordinates 60.183589, 24.953620

When I visited Kallio library in the summer last year it had changed a lot from my previous visits in 2014-2015. The changes made change, considering how society develops (and libraries with it), but I did feel a sense of nostalgic longing when I was there. Coincidentally, one and a half week ago I felt for the very first time that I liked Turku more than Helsinki and that Helsinki maybe is most pleasurable through the lens of youthful innocence and sense of wonder.

A fun fact about Kallio library is that they used to have 5-stringed kanteles that you could check out with your library card – and quite possibly they still do! So if you ever feel threathened by a great pike, you know where to go.

Kallio library exterior

Kallio library exterior, with Pride flags due to Helsinki Pride taking place the same week.

Kallio library stairs 1

The stairs in Kallio library – old fashioned beauty.

Kallio library stairs 2

Kallio library, a stairway to heaven, or at least a stairway to the Stairway to Heaven record as the top floor is the music section.

Kallio library top floor

Kallio library top floor: children’s and music sections.

Kallio library view

View from the top floor of Kallio library. You can see on of Helsinki’s famous trams down the road!

Föreläsning i Sjöbo om AI och bibliotek

Vilken pangdag! Jag har varit i Sjöbos vackra bibliotek och föreläst om AI och bibliotek för bibliotekarier från Sjöbo, Tomelilla, Skurup, Simrishamn och Ystad. 👩🏻‍🏫🍂🦌

Jag passade på att väva in en kort video från Wil Wheatons instagram i föreläsningen där han pratar om SAG-AFTRA:s strejk och vad motparten ville avtala om för att skapa digitala kloner av skådespelarna med AI. Det jag tycker han belyser är att detta inte bara berör frågan om försörjning och att yrket blir redundant pga teknikens utveckling utan att det berör etiska och existensiella frågor som ”vem är jag? vad består jag av? vem äger mig?” Jag tycker att dessa frågor blir mer och mer angelägna att diskutera – inte för att AI utvecklas utan för att människans syn på vad människan är i ett informationssamhälle behöver utvecklas. 🎬🧬🔮

Jag älskar att träffa och prata med bibliotekarier för de säger så intressanta och smarta saker och man lär sig alltid någonting nytt. Tack igen till Sjöbo bibliotek för att ni bjöd in mig! 🥰📚✨

Detta inlägg flyttades hit från Linkedin 31 maj 2024.

When in Blackpool, don’t miss the public library

I was in Blackpool late September 2022 for a concert and I didn’t have a clue about the place. A Mancunian friend said it was one of those seaside resorts that had its heyday in the postwar decade (when it received 17 million visitors a year) but that it now was the perfect embodiment of Everyday Is Like Sunday’s line ”this is the coastal town that they forgot to close down”.

A glance on the Blackpool Wikipedia article says the town grew into a popular destination for the working class in the mid-19th century when Lancashire cotton mill owners took turns to shut down their factories for maintenance one week per year which provided a steady stream of visitors to Blackpool. Famous for its promenade, piers and perhaps especially its electrical lights – it was the first municipality in the world (1879) to have electric street lighting and its electrical tramway (1885) is also one of the world’s first. The (according to British friends apparently very famous) Blackpool Tower, inspired by the Parisian Eiffel Tower, was opened in 1894 and was at the time the tallest man made structure in the British empire.

The increased popularity of package holidays abroad meant Blackpool lost its traditional tourist crowd and as I understand it’s now mainly day tourists who go there, and not nearly as many as before. However, tourism remains a pillar in the town’s economy. A fun fact is that Blackpool shares its etymology with Dublin on the other side of the Irish sea: Dublin is derived from Irish Duibhlinn which means ”black pool” (though the common name for the city in modern Irish is Baile Átha Cliath, ”town of the hurdled ford”).

Knowing a bit about Blackpool’s history, it’s not surprising that it’s also home to a Carnegie library which serves as the main public library of the town. The Carnegie libraries were built between 1883 and 1929 with money donated from the Scottish-American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and of the 2509 libraries, 660 are located in the United Kingdom and Ireland. What makes the Blackpool Central Library unique among Carnegie libraries is that it has a portrait of the philanthropist. As you ascend the stairs and reach the upper floor (which hosts local history collections and the Brunswick room) the donor’s gaze meet you from a stained glass window. This part of the library was closed of for renovation when I visited but the lovely librarian Jools showed me the closed section and also told me the story about the rare Carnegie portrait.

The public libraries of Blackpool have seven other branches that together with the Central Library serves the town’s population (~141,000 people). What really struck me with the Central Library was that it was so colourful. Many Carnegie libraries (and other libraries from the same era) I’ve visited look very similar, with white walls and an old fashioned sense of a library space trying to fit in with modern services. It’s hard to put my finger on it but I think it has something to do with only shelves, furniture, and signage dividing the space into different sections, whereas in Blackpool painted walls and decorations are used to create spaces (for example the children’s section). Then again, perhaps this only reflects my personal opinion about white walls being inherently uncosy, it seems to be a ”neutral” standard in apartments as well and I’ve rented plenty of places where the walls had to be covered in posters and photos to combat the eerie feeling of being lost in a desolate snowstorm. Either way, the colours of Blackpool were wondrous and if I remember correctly the decorations had been made by a local artist (maybe even a former staff member?) and the imaginative bookcase seems to have been built by local dads.

Supporting dads through collaboration with the charity Dads Matter UK was an interesting focus that I haven’t really noticed in libraries before (maybe I’m just unobservant) and it made me think about libraries as an important place for such activities. Libraries are neutral and open spaces and even if you go their for peer support groups to help with your anxiety etc. no one seeing you at the library would immediately know the purpose for your visit – you might just as well be there to print documents, get books with your children, or use the bathroom. The broad scope of library activities (and activities taking place in the library) by design helps protect the privacy of the individual who participates.

My usual library tourism is just popping in at the public library in the place I’m visiting and have a look around. If no people are around I might take some pictures and I’m a fan of studying the event boards to see what kind of activities libraries and their partners (for example local organisations) arrange. Sometimes friendly library staff ask if I want any help and sometimes this will lead to a short conversation about me being a librarian and that I like visiting libraries whenever I travel somewhere. In Blackpool I started talking to librarian Jools who prompted by my story started sharing facts about the library and the town. Unfortunately, I got to the library just 15 minutes before closing time on September 28 so we didn’t have much time, but Jools kindly invited me back the next day to see the upper floor and to hear more about the library’s activities.

One remarkable feature of the library is the stained glass windows that were made for the library’s centenary in 2011. They were created through consultation with community and staff members and the themes of the windows reflects Blackpool’s history, present, and future. By each window there was a sign explaining the window and I’ve included an image of the Freedom window explanation in this post (the text: FREEDOM: Words, knowledge, ideas all create new ways of thinking and ways of living. This window celebrates freedom of thought and speech.) I’m sure anyone familiar with me or my research can imagine how much this resonates with me. You can read more about the centenary redesign of the library here, or the making of the stained glass windows here.

The library also offers a lot of activities to support its community’s social, reading, and IT skills needs – among other things (see image of the event board to explore further). When I met Jools the next morning she had just broadcasted a digital story event through the library’s social media. Here’s an example of a digital story session on Blackpool Libraries’ facebook page, and below is an image of the studio which was a corner of her office. I’ve understood (not just based on Blackpool) that in many public libraries digital events have started and/or expanded during the pandemic, and they continue to be a vital part of post-pandemic library services to make sure the library can reach all of its users.

There always more to say and write and tell, but I’m wrapping up this post and I hope your curiosity will lead you to this amazing library one day. Going back to my British friends who said Blackpool was a rundown resort that had seen its best days I’d have to say that whatever else in the city may lead to this impression the library certainly doesn’t. It is such an imaginative, beautiful, and friendly space and I hope and assume that Blackpool citizens share my sentiment about the library.

True North? Yes, All Library Compasses Point at Lancaster University Library

Whenever I’ve heard Lancaster I’ve thought about Safe Warm Lancashire Home. This all changed the past summer when I went to the LIBER conference in Odense to give a presentation on cultural heritage hackathons and met Andrew Barker, university librarian at Lancaster University, who spoke about enhancing digital discoverability of special collections in the same conference session. The thing that really got my attention in their presentation was when Andrew presented Lancaster University as small enough to innovate and build community, putting them in a great position to explore new practices – ”Through disruptive innovation, we will build lasting change” I quoted in my tweet from the event (here are some of my other LIBER tweets, in case anyone’s interested).  Being ”small enough” means the university is not so big that any innovation gets immediately drowned in bureaucracy and conflicting interests, and still not so small that the organisation has too few resources to be able to innovate. It seems to me to be a sweet spot for library innovation, and the approach (disruptive innovation! lasting change!) really speaks to me. I would’ve applied for a job on the spot if I wasn’t already so pleased with where I am right now (and also because of Brexit).

As I had already planned to spend a few days in Manchester after my conference marathon in Ireland I asked Andrew if I could stop by for a visit in early August and to my utter delight he said yes, so on August 3 I took the northbound from Oxford Road towards Windermere, passing old cotton mills and the stations of Wigan and Preston before arriving in Lancaster, a city built of yellowy gray stones rather than the Mancunian red brick buildings I had just left. I walked into town and switched to a city bus taking me to the campus of Lancaster University, situated south of the city centre and built in the 1960s. The buses normally stop in the Underpass (oh stop it with the Morrissey references!) which would immediately take you to Alexandra Square, the university’s main plaza, but during my visit there were some Underpass and road closures around campus (makes sense do to the traffic work during the summer holidays) so I arrived at the library gates from another direction, after having stealthily followed some other bus passengers who didn’t seem as lost as I did, hehe.

Alexandra Square at Lancaster University

Alexandra Square at the centre of Lancaster University. Library entrance to the left in the inner corner.

Because of the summer holidays a lot of my pictures will look quite empty. However, walking around the campus it was really easy to imagine how vibrant and welcoming it would be during the year, buzzing with students and staff on their way to lectures, people, and places, enjoying their coffee and their discussions in one of the campus cafés (I had one of the best coffees I’ve ever had when I was there so the coffee really is worth mentioning – that was some proper intellectual fuel!)

I entered the library and was welcomed by Andrew who gave me a splendid tour. The library is still located in the same place as when it was opened by Philip Larkin in January 1967, and it has since been extended twice, I think, with the most recent extension being opened in 2021. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, these extensions are quite hard to notice in the library. The spaces flow seamlessly into one another, very clearly giving the impression of one library (rather than spaces being divided into the old part and the new part, which is quite common in libraries with extensions, cf. Carolina Rediviva and Turku City Library).

In the newest extension, which is built to reflect the new vision of the library, there are 450 new study spaces (that’s a lot! as a comparison reading room A at Carolina Rediviva has 82 study spaces). The spaces are divided into different areas, taking into account sound levels, types of furniture, open spaces and smaller nooks, computer equipment… all to cater to different needs and wants of the library users. This is obviously quite common when building or remodeling library spaces, but nevertheless exciting to see because of the level of ambition and the success of it in the Lancaster library. I was overwhelmed by a sudden need to sit down and study in at least five spaces we passed because they looked so inviting and pleasant, it was like balm for the mind.

All floors of the building had been gifted with green walls. They’re described in the press release as ”[l]iving walls of expertly selected, glossy, vibrant plants, intermittent trickling watering systems and an array of tastefully chosen, stylish furniture all add to the calm, relaxing environment” and I think that sums it up quite well. Why we don’t make these everywhere? It seems like the kind of thing that could be easily incorporated into older buildings as well? I felt like Alice in Wonderland when I took the spray bottle and followed the ”please mist me” instruction. I’m sure it was more therapeutic for me than the plants – I just had to take a five minute break in writing this to reminisce about this moment.

While on the topic of green in the library, I also got to meet the library tree Norma! The tree was named through a vote where 41,5 % of the 1330 votes were cast on Norma (I’ll just assume Tree McTreeface was a close second).  The tree grows in an inside courtyard which is also a space for events in the library (such as the university librarian DJ’ing to welcome new students or library festivals!). Since the study spaces on the floors above this courtyard are silent reading spaces there has to be a careful balance between events and study spaces so as not to disrupt too much. However, there is quite a large amount of silent study spaces elsewhere in the library, so when events do take place it’s quite easy to temporarily redirect users in need of quiet spaces to other parts of the library.

Another place for silent studies is the main reading room, a room I really enjoyed because of the different type of desks and because of the amazing light in that room. It had a temple-like feel to it. To give you an impression of the library as a whole I also added some images from the third floor bridge below. The library is generally very spacious and very bright. I like that. It’s a bit like being in a Star Trek city in the future, you know the ones from TNG when it was still very utopian.

We also looked at the space for postgraduates in the library which was currently being refurbished to better suit the needs and wants of the postgraduate students. It took me back to the time when I was active in the student union at Uppsala University and advocated for specific reading rooms and/or spaces for master students at the university library. There had been a decrease in the use of reading rooms at the library, partly because doctoral researchers over time had gotten better working conditions (such as salaries and offices), so one way to repurpose this reading rooms would’ve been to dedicate some spaces to students. However, specific spaces for master students were instead organised by the faculties and usually in leftover rooms in the campus buildings (mine was in a basement and we rarely went there), completely disregarding the potential synergies of an interdisciplinary research environment. I still don’t know why but I assume this was related to either money, prestige, or a siloed organisational structure (or possible all three). Either way, things hadn’t changed much when I came back to work as a librarian at the same university a few years later.

Looking at Swedish higher education statistics we do have steady increase of international students who come to Sweden to study at master programmes (97 % of the incoming freemovers were studying at a programme in 2020/21 – most of them at a master programme – compared to 80 % in 2013/14, and most students who pay tuition fees are in master programmes as well) so in one way it’s baffling that we’re not better at adapting our higher ed infrastructure (including libraries) to accommodate for this group. The post-Bologna master’s craze led to many new programmes but I feel we’ve missed something crucial in creating the best study environment for this group – both regarding spaces and events. This group would also be less involved in student politics, for several reasons, so it’s hard for (especially international) master students to efficiently advocate their interests.

Anyway, comparing those experiences with the development of the postgrad spaces in Lancaster shows what a university and university library could be like, and how they could work with their users to make the best out of everything for everyone. However, the last I heard from my library (I’m on leave until 2024 for my doctoral research) didn’t make me super hopeful about a positive, student-friendly development during the next 10 years… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe the student union needs another library focused student union party? (Yes, I was in one of those. It was started by the magnificent Moa Ekbom.)

Last but not least (there is really so much more to say about my visit to Lancaster University Library, so maybe I’ll add more to this post later on), a thing that really impressed me was the fiction collection which aimed to function a bit like a public library, a cultural living room, for the university students. Since the university is situated on a campus a bit out of town, and students tend to live on campus and spend a lot of time at the campus, it becomes a sort of small society in itself. It is therefore natural and necessary that the university library takes on a wider role for its community than, say, a university library within 10 minutes walking distance from a public library would do. The collection on the photo is meant to provide leisure reading for the students, and other activities and events at the library (such as the festival mentioned above) also bear witness to how the library consciously takes on this pivotal role. When Andrew explained this mindset I was very impressed by the fact that university library management could so astutely observe and act on their role in the wider scheme of things. Well done!

Leisure reading in the fiction collection and the library as a campus living room.

Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2022 in Maynooth

I had the pleasure of attending Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2022 in Maynooth just outside of Dublin on July 23-24. I got roped into the convention through librarian extraordinaire Laurie Bridges, and they suggested I join the scholarship committee to help assess applications from scholarship applicants. It was interesting work and I noticed it was quite similar to assessing scholarship applications for my student organisation V-Dala Nation where I once served as scholarship secretary (although in this case much less financial data and less extensive spread sheets – thankfully!)

The library, Maynooth University – Leabharlann, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Photo by me, CC BY-SA 4.0.

The setting for the convention was the beautiful library of Maynooth University. I didn’t take a lot of pictures of the library, but it was a beautiful, bright building with great spaces for studying, teaching. and meeting people and I could really picture myself as a student enjoying spending time at the library.

The conference started of with an excellent keynote by Dr Nkem Osuigwe, one of my library role models. Their talk was titled Wikimedia through the Prisms of Critical Librarianship, and I really appreciated the critical take on librarianship which I feel is sometimes lacking in the Nordic LIS field. According to Osuigwe, critical theory

examines what exists in society/particular field and,
challenges assumptions and practices,
asks questions about historical, economic, social and cultural issues underpinning practice,
interrogates whose perspective is being heard/seen and promoted in existing structures and systems,
views how the frameworks and standards of existing structures and systems came to be, and
configures in social justice

and it’s employed to

– explain what is wrong with current realities of praxis
– identify those who can think through critically to suggest and drive change, and
– provide practical pathways for social transformation as well as more criticism.

These extracts are verbatim from a couple of slides in Osuigwe’s presentation and I find them very relevant. For me, being critical of something is not negative criticism (which I think it’s often interpreted as!) but rather something that drives positive change in an organisation. The last four years I’ve worked at a university library and I think there has been a shift towards being an isolate service provider rather than being an intellectually driven integrated part of the university driving change through its activities. It’s both the activities the library does as much as the general mindset that cause this. For example, the shift to open science (a value libraries typically advocate) is hindered by bureaucratic obstacles and complacency. It sometimes seems as critical theory is left at the door when one moves from library education to the library profession. I have never been able to accept this since I believe critical thinking is a skill you acquire for life, not for education. This has put me in a tight spot several times in my professional career!

As you can see, Osuigwe’s talk helped me critically assess my own professional situation, which is very valuable to me. But of course the talk had a broader impact as well and I appreciate how they placed Wikimedia as an emancipatory tool to support fundamental human rights, such as freedom of expression and access to information. According to Osuigwe (and I agree!) ”a core aspect of critical librarianship is that librarians are activists by calling as they defend intellectual freedom and promote cultural resistance irrespective of prevailing political, economic and social attitudes that promote the ’caging of knowledge’.” They also mentioned that the default setting of a library is open, and this is worth mentioning because I think there is an idea that libraries are neutral, which is all good in one sense, but what happens when neutral is in conflict with open?

Libraries, politics and activism is something I briefly mention in this article in Biblioteksbladet (in Swedish), regarding climate action in libraries. The shortened quote makes me sound very harsh, but I do think there is a certain anxiety in Swedish libraries regarding anything that might be considered ”political”. In this column on Wikipedia in Bibliotekbladet (in Swedish) I theorise that our perceptions of power is at the core of how Swedish librarians act and think about Wikimedia, activism and other issues – there seems to be preference for hierarchical structures rather than a flat power distribution. I wonder if responsibility is at the core of this (i.e. when do want to assume responsibility, and when do we prefer to be indifferent and unconcerned) and if it is connected to the move from critical librarianship in library education to the neutral public servant in the library profession.

Osuigwe also underlined how Wikimedia encourages the plurality of voices, for instance through linguistic availability, and this theme was also something that came up in Michael David Miller’s presentation in the session A Booktalk: Wikipedia and Academic Libraries, A Global Project (presentation available here) where they talked about the LGBTQ+ content of francophone Wikipedia and how they had discovered it wasn’t really representative of the francophone communities, but mainly consisted of articles on events in the United States (see image from presentation below).

LGBTQ+ Content in Francophone Wikipedia, presentation by Michael David Miller (page 16 in this presentation, CC BY-SA 4.0)

This highlights that even though translation of articles about important people and events are prevalent, the Wikipedia content might not be representative of the community that is reading the encyclopædia and this is an issue that must be dealt with, since it creates a sense of invisibility. As Miller quoted Kelly Doyle:

“The cultural capital of Wikipedia is such that existence within it denotes a level of power and importance. The phenomenon of considering something or someone truly significant or insignificant, through its presence or absence on Wikipedia, can be a damaging one.

Or in their own words: Ultimately, I want to exist. Of course a large part of the presentation was focused on how they had attempted to solve this issue: McGill University Library (where Miller works) had in partnership with Bibliothèque du Centre communautaire LGBTQ+ de Montréal and the Café des savoirs libre organised LGBTQ+ contribution events, which had resulted in new articles being created on historical LGBTQ+ events and spaces in Montréal, Montréal drag queens Rita Baga and Barbada de Barbades, and queer Quebecois authors Kevin Lambert and Antoine Charbonneau-Demers.

Miller’s presentation was very inspiring and it gave me the idea to try to organise a similar editing event focusing on LGBTQ+ articles in Swedish Finland, perhaps in collaboration with the organisation Projekt Fredrika r.f., which aims to increase access to information about Swedish Finland on Wikipedia (mainly on Swedish Wikipedia, but also in other languages). We’ll see how that goes! Anyway, if you want to read more about Miller’s (and other cool people’s) projects the book Wikipedia and Academic Libraries can be found here.

Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2022 – Group photo. Photographer: B20180, CC BY-SA 4.0

There so many more things to mention from WikiLibCon (so many great people! so many awesome ideas! and I chaired a session for the first time in my life!) so maybe there’ll be a part two to this post, we’ll see! In the meantime, you can check out my tweet feed for those days which lists the highlights as they happened!

A Quick Stop in Holyhead

Since the early 19th century Holyhead has been the primary sealink along the route from Dublin to London. Departing by ferry from Dublin I had a couple of hours to spend in this town before taking the train to Manc’r.

The face accurately describes the feeling of not being able to find the library. Also, the post office was in the opposite direction.

As one does, I immediately headed for the local library. On the way I dropped in at the post office to buy new stamps for my Dublin postcards – this morning when I left for the port I could not find a post box to save my life, and of course there wasn’t one at the ferry terminal.

The library turned out to be quite hard to locate, as the map location led me to a location which advertised hypnotherapy. While libraries continuously branch out to stay relevant, it’s still customary to use the word library, so I did some internet searching for alternative locations of the library.

Not a library.

Turns out the library moved into a new location three years ago and was now situated in the old market hall. They had moved there in late 2019, and so because of covid hadn’t had too much time to use the community spaces at the centre of the new library.

Main space in the library. Upper floors are office spaces for tent, mezzanine floor consist of library collections.

Even though there are quite few Welsh speakers in Holyhead, all signage was bilingual. I was recommended a book called Welsh in 12 Weeks by the librarian and I am very tempted to order it online. The librarian taught me the correct pronunciation of llyfrgell (literally ‘book cell’) to get me started (ll is voiceless in Welsh! So I assume lloll is some kind of wheezing laugh).

One of several meeting spaces library users can book.

Like in many new libraries, there were plenty of places to meet other people in this library. This mirrors the original use of the market hall, which according to the exhibition on one of the walls was the social and cultural centre of Holyhead in past times, hosting events and exhibitions on Dr Livingstone’s travels, Egyptian artefacts, and more. As a library in the centre of the community it has the same potential now.

Main hall from the inside, with main entrance and information desk at the far end. To the right an exhibition about the market hall.

The library staff was very friendly and happily shared facts about the library with me. After signing the guestbook (such a nice touch! Apparently they get a lot of cruise ship visitors) I went down the street and had the best coffee I’ve had in years at The Hive (!!!) so that’s a strong recommendation if you’re ever in town. The barista said the good quality of the drinking water in town contributes to the amazing taste of the coffee (very similar to Iceland in that regard).