AI i bibliotek och samhälle. Kulturhuset in Sjöbo on 22 November 2023. Arranged by Sjöbo bibliotek. Presenter.
Bibliotek + Wikipedia = sant? organised by Biblioteksutveckling Sörmland and Biblioteksutveckling Region Jönköpings län, online, 27 October 2023. Panelist.
Storforum: Framtid och Agenda 2030 organised by Region Västernorrland, online, 24 October 2023. Panelist.
Träff om folkbibliotek och AI organised by Region Skåne, online, 11 October 2023. Presenter on public libraries and AI.
Finlands svenska biblioteksdagar in Vaasa, Finland, 11-12 May 2023. Keynote presenter: AI är här! Vad händer i samhället och biblioteken?* *Same title as 2021 event – different content!
LibrariesxSDG advocacies, engagement, and experiences at a global and local level: a Scandinavian perspective with Karolina Andersdotter. Guest lecture at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in the MA course Libraries, Archives and Museums (LAM) for Sustainable Development. Online on 31 January 2023.
New Horizons in Artificial Intelligence in Libraries, IFLA WLIC 2022 Satellite Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Galway, Ireland, 21-22 July 2022. Presenter: The AI and Libraries Study Circle: how 100 library professionals increased their AI literacy.
LIBER Annual Conference in Odense, Denmark, 6-8 July 2022. Presenter: De-coding our Collections : Enhancing data literacy, research, and outreach through cultural heritage hackathon (abstract, presentation slides).
Agenda 2030 och biblioteken, arranged by Gotlands Länsbibliotek in Visby, Sweden, 10 June 2022. Presenter and workshop facilitator: Agenda 2030 och biblioteken.
Biblioteken och Agenda 2030, online on 22 November 2021. Arranged by Svensk biblioteksförening Regionförening Skåne and SFIS Syd. Presenter: Biblioteken och hållbarheten: Agenda 2030:s genomslag globalt och lokalt
Forskardagen 2019 (theme: 2030 Agenda) in Stockholm, 6 December 2019. Speaker/attending.
Global MIL Week Feature Conference. 24-25 September 2019, Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. Speaker on Data Detox Bar in Special Session 2: MIL Role in Privacy, Protection of Personal Data, and Human Rights. Programme.
Dialogcafé: Nationell biblioteksstrategi i Stockholm, 17 september 2018. Facilitator of the world café, event arranged by Svensk biblioteksförenings regionförening Stockholm Uppsala Gotland.
LIBER Annual Conference i Lille, Frankrike. 4-6 juli 2018. Tack till Svensk biblioteksförening för resestipendium! Här kommer snart finnas en länk till reserapport.
Kulturfrukost arranged by Region Gävleborg et al. in Gävle. 4 October 2017. Kulturprosumenter. Presenter. Link to video.
RightsCon in Brussels, Belgium. 28-31 March 2017. Facilitator of panel on behalf of IFLA on the topic Privacy for Everyone: Using Libraries to Promote Digital Privacy.
The Cross-Border Copyfight : A copyright workshop for library professionals. Workshop facilitator at BOBCATSSS 2016 in Lyon, France. 27-29 January 2016. Tack till KCL post grad conference fund för resestipendium! Abstrakt för workshopen (s. 480–481).
NetworkED seminar – Maggie Philbin: Tea,Tech and Teens. Arr: LTI @ LSE. London. 12 november 2015. Copyright in a Changing World: A talk by Prof. Charles Oppenheim. Arr: The British Computer Society och CILIP London Member Network. London. 29 oktober 2015. Attending.